Observations from the state tournaments
Well, things are beginning to return to normal. I'm catching up on my sleep and, above all, trying to eat healthier again after two weeks of the basic four "junk food" groups! Now that the state tournaments are in the rear-view mirror, here are a few things I took note of from the past two weeks:
Contact, Part I
Let's welcome the girls to the "No blood, no foul" club. It was the most physical girls tournament I have ever witnessed. I can't imagine E. Wayne Cooley , the former leader of the Girls Union tolerating the pushing and shoving and continuous contact that I witnessed! It sure wasn't the bygone era of 6-on-6 anymore!
Contact, Part II
Actually thought the contact may have been down for the boys tournaments, until the semifinals came and it was every man for himself again. At times the players are not playing basketball. It's football without the pads. Something needs to be done to address the physical play, especially off the ball and out of eye-shot of the officials.
Protect the Shooter
This one is in conjunction with my good friend and broadcast partner Phil Dunne. You can't have a kid shooting a jump shot get run over on the release, If you don't call this, basketball resorts to a sort of Darwinistic mentality. We saw more kids being thrown down after shooting a jump shot this year than ever before. Only a handful of fouls were called.
Free Throw Shooting
Worst year of foul shooting, aside from a precious few teams, that we have ever seen. Young kids, do you want to be assured of playing? Practice free throws!! You shoot over 70% and you will play at the end of games. But practicing free throws went out with short shorts and fundamentals.