Ableman sees new UI pool -- 34 years later!
Let's start off with some random thoughts in the middle of an Iowa winter.
With that in mind, I attended the finals of the USA Diving at the new Iowa pool last Sunday. And it so happened that I ran into Randy Ableman, the former Cedar Rapids Washington diver, Olympian and coach of the University of Miami diving team.
We visited about the district winning streak of the Washington swimmers, which reached 48 straight titles last Saturday. A remarkable feat. Randy and I reminisced about when this streak started in the coaching days of Hal Krizan and Jim Voss.
It certainly has to be one of the most amazing streaks in high school swimming history. Randy dove for both coaches, who started the dynasty. He's been the long-time coach of the Hurricanes under university president Donna Shalala, the former University of Wisconsin president.
One of his women divers from Miami became one of the representatives to advance to the U.S. National team this year.
To show you how things work out, Randy dove at Iowa and during his recruitment was told that by his senior year the Hawks would have a new diving pool. Thirty-four years later, Randy Ableman was able to see the results when he brought the Miami divers to the Hawks' new facility.